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Payer pour les 15 dernières minutes d’un match de football : révolution ou supercherie ? Pour reconquérir les jeunes, Andrea Agnelli, le président de la Juventus, propose un abonnement permettant de regarder seulement un quart d’heure d’un match. Si cette annonce provoque une levée de boucliers, la...

Entretien réalisé par Anthony Alyce

Embourbée à l’automne dernier dans le dossier Mediapro, la nouvelle direction de la LFP a su finalement éviter l’écran noir pour cette fin de saison 2020-21 en concluant, après un appel d’offres infructueux, un accord avec Canal +. Le football professionnel fran...

Arnaud Simon was invited to today by Jannat Jalil is her show on Euronews.

"Direct or indirect public support to football and clubs will receive less and less acceptance amongst the general public. Football is very popular but also perceived, for good and bad reasons, as a very rich sport. People...

Very proud to announce that the World most famous Touring-Car Championship, DTM, has chosen In&Out Stories to help them elaborate their communication, marketing and content strategy on its road to electric. Gerhard Berger, legendary Formula 1 driver, leads DTM to this new era. That demonstrates once...

No frontiers to be creative. What's the connection between Ladybug and sport ? Proud to announce that In&Out Stories does collaborate with the famous cartoon creator and producer to conceive a very innovative sport and entertainment platform.